Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Below, find the topics for my Quiz coming up. This one is for my regular classes. This Thursday I'll talk to you about it. For my Tuesday night class (5:40-8:10pm) we'll finish chapter 7 and review next Tuesday. Make flash cards and start the process of learning all these concepts (each one separately). Remember you should know the counterexamples to each theory of knowledge in chapter 7.

Chapter 1

1- Necessary and sufficient conditions p.11
2- Socratic method
3- Scientific Method
4- Logical impossibility, causal impossibility and law of non-contradiction
5- Argument, premise, conclusion p.21
6- Deductive arguments: valid/invalid, sound, unsound
7- Inductive arguments: strong/weak, cogent
8- Enumerative Induction, Analogical Induction and IBE (Hypothetical Induction)
9- Criteria of adequacy (you should know each element)
10- Fallacies: Begging the Question, False Dilemma, Appeal to Person, Appeal to the masses, Appeal to Ignorance, Hasty Generalization
11- Thought experiment, counterexample, test implication p.37
12- The difference between conceivability and possibility

Chapter 7

1- Knowledge by acquaintance, performative knowledge, propositional knowledge
2- A priori, a posteriori
3- Theories of truth: Correspondence, Pragmatic Theory and Coherence Theory of Truth. Provide examples of each of these and their differences.
4- Foundationalism p.495
5- Sense data, Direct Realism, Locke’s Representative Realism: primary and secondary qualities p.501
6- Standard account of knowledge
7- Gettier’s job seekers or Triff’s dental appointment
9- Defeasibility Theory (Lehrer’s demented Mrs. Grabit); Causal Theory (Goldman’s fake barns) p.515
8- Reliability Theory (Lehrer’s Human Thermometer)
9- Explanationist Theory of Knowledge


  1. Professor Triff

    PHI-2010 Tuesday nights

    Are we going to have the test until next Tuesday, since we have not met? Please advise. Thanks

  2. PHI 2010 TR 9:50 to 11:05
    Mr. Triff, I was unable to attend class on Tuesday. Will the quiz be taken on Thursday?

  3. Professor Triff

    The quiz for tuesday night is going to be on the questions that you posted on this blog? Because for example, on the class you spoke about all the fallacies but on the questions you just name six of them......

  4. Professor Triff,

    PHI-2010 T 5:40 to 8:10 P.M.

    Since last tuesday was a Jewish holiday, would you give another chance for people that missed the 1st Quiz
