Monday, September 19, 2005



These are the topics for our upcoming quiz. I recommend that you make flash cards of each topic. Study each one separately. Try to come up with examples in your mind. You must know the counterarguments to each theory by name.

Chapter 1

1- Necessary and sufficient conditions p.11
2- Socratic method
3- Scientific Method
4- Logical impossibility, causal impossibility and law of non-contradiction
5- Argument, premise, conclusion p.21
6- Deductive arguments: valid/invalid, sound, unsound
7- Inductive arguments: strong/weak, cogent
8- Enumerative Induction, Analogical Induction and IBE (Hypothetical Induction)
9- Criteria of adequacy (you should know each element)
10- Fallacies: Begging the Question, False Dilemma, Appeal to Person, Appeal to the masses, Appeal to Ignorance, Hasty Generalization
11- Thought experiment, counterexample, test implication p.37
12- The difference between conceivability and possibility

Chapter 7

1- Knowledge by acquaintance, performative knowledge, propositional knowledge
2- A priori, a posteriori
3- Theories of truth: Correspondence, Pragmatic Theory and Coherence Theory of Truth. Provide examples of each of these and their differences.
4- Foundationalism p.495
5- Sense data, Direct Realism, Locke’s Representative Realism: primary and secondary qualities p.501
6- Phenomenalism; Berkeley’s “esse ist percipii”
7- Standard account of knowledge
8- Gettier’s job seekers or Triff’s dental appointment
9- Defeasibility Theory (Lehrer’s demented Mrs. Grabit); Causal Theory (Goldman’s fake barns) p.515
10- Reliability Theory (Lehrer’s Human Thermometer)
11- Explanationist Theory of Knowledge

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