Thursday, June 29, 2006



you're supposed to bring a scantron sheet to the exam next Wednesday. They're for sale at the bookstore ($0.15). We use a small rectangular (green or bluish) card. Also, no pen. Bring a sharpened pencil.

PHI 2604 Link to Questions for the Quiz

This is the link for the book Moral Issues in Bussiness. To the left of the page, you have the chapters, then, check each of the tutorial exams. Play with it and have fun.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

About last night

Last night we had an interesting discussion. I’m posting the Wikipedia’s definition of "homosexuality." Take a look at the "contents" box. Also take a look at "abortion" and the "ethical aspects of abortion." Again, to properly discuss these topics one needs first to find out the facts provided by the different scientific disciplines: biology, medicine, sociology, psychology, as well as history etc. Remember that moral judgments need facts and reliable moral norms.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

PHI 2604

In the realative peace of the West we are not often exposed to stuff like this. The piece, written by an African journalist, shows that there are two fundamental principles that all humans can abide to: The first to treat all humans equally, the second, to avoid unnecessary human suffering.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

PHI 2010 Website (Final review)

Use this site to review. It contains flashcards, quizzes and other useful material. Click on the chapter and respective section.

Monday, June 5, 2006

PHI 2604 Chapter 8 Homework

1. Elucidate “conflict of interest” in the workplace.
2. Why does Bart Williams have a conflict when dealing with Leisure Sports World?
3. Come up with one example of a conflict of interest you’ve recently witnessed.
4. What constitute “insider trading”? Comment the famous Texas Sulphur stock case.
5. In the case of proprietary data, discuss the P&G case of suing three rival food chains for using a patented process to make “infringing cookies.”
6.a) What happens when novel information is patented or copyrighted? How about downloading music or videos one doesn’t pay for?
b) What’s a trade secret?
7. Define “bribe.” In the example provided in the text, why is Norman Rothberg’s conduct wrong?
8. Define “kickback.”
Comment the case of some American executives at Honda.
9. Go over the seven rules on “gifts” on pages 397 & 398.
10. Consider the situations on page 399. What are our obligations to third parties when such problems arise?
11. Define “whistle blowing.” Go over the five points that Norman Bowie sees as constituting justification.
12. Is self-interest more important than the interests of the public?