Monday, January 7, 2019

axiology & the importance of values

imagine a world without values? without right, wrong, good, bad, beautiful, ugly, pleasant, nice, hateful, etc?

the branch of philosophy that studies value is axiology (from the Greek axios meaning "worth").

aesthetic values: depending the capacity to elicit pleasure (positive value) or displeasure (negative value) when appreciated or experienced aesthetically. examples: beauty, ugliness, elegance, taste, harmony, token: beauty,

economic values: (we are homo economicus): the measure here is efficiency, affordability & productivity (productivity = output volume/ labor input), then, practicality, token: price,

social/cultural values: the measure is how humans live in groups and which traits are seen as worth having, such as honor, honesty, valor, sympathy, benevolence, gratitude; token: sociability,

political values: these are traits that balance power with justice, such as influence, leadership, competitiveness; token: fairness,

religious values: these are values that are associated with purposefulness, worship and rituals, such as faithfulness, altruism, unity, token: holiness, 

spiritual values: values that are meant to strengthen the inner self, such as freedom, achievement, , simplicity, health, vigor; token: blessedness,

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