Thursday, July 20, 2006

PHI 2010 Final Topics

Find the final topics for our PHI 2010 Final Exam here.

Add to it the following taken from section 5.4:

1. Aristotle's notion of virtue
2. Virtue Ethics

Also, use this link from the textbook and test yourself (I may take one or two questions from here). Remember to bring a scantron sheet for the test next Thursday.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


An interesting case on MSN today, possibly involving euthanasia.

Monday, July 17, 2006

PHI 2604 Chapter 7 Homework

1. Explain the idea of legitimate and illegitimate influence.
2. What’s “informed consent”?
3. Go over the reasons why business use polygraph tests.
4. There are generally three assumptions people have about polygraph tests. Which are they?
5. Why do companies use “personality tests”?
6. Go over four remarks about drug testing in pages 334,335.
7. What are the moral issues surrounding day care and maternity leave?
8. Go over the reading on page 364 Work, Privacy, and Autonomy and try to answer questions 1, 3 & 5.

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Insider Trading

This is a very interesting piece of news. It concerns the stealing of trade secrets, which is illegal and unethical Apparently, an executive from Coca Cola offered Pepsi a sample of a secret new beverage, but Pepsi tipped the FBI...

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

PHI 2604 Home Work: Chapter 4

1- Historic background of Capitalism p. 151
2- Key Features of Capitalism (companies, profit motive, competition, private property) p. 153-155
3- Moral Justifications of Capitalism (Natural Right to Property, Adam Smith’s Concept of the Invisible Hand) p. 155-157
4- Critiques of Capitalism (Inequality, Human Nature and Capitalism, Capitalism breeding Oligopolies, Exploitation and Alienation) p. 159-163
5- Focus on the Short Term
6- Declining Interests in Production p. 166